Category Archives: Automatic Sleeve Wrapper

Complete Guidelines For Semi-Automatic Sleeve Wrapper Machine

semi-automatic sleeve wrapper

A semi-automatic sleeve wrapper is a packaging machine designed to resist polyethylene film packaging. It is a plastic polymer film that covers around the products broadly, then you apply heat on the cover so that it can shrink. Finally, the film wraps and covers the product tightly. It is popular in the packaging industry. Many turnkey project companies assist the newcomer by providing all types of services. A Sleeve wrapper machine ranges from 600 to 1500mm in sealing jaw width and it is suitable for those products which are less than 600mm to 1500mm wide.  Continue reading

Importance and Difference Of Stretch Wrapping Vs Shrink Wrapping

semi-automatic sleeve wrapper machine

Today, the packaging industry is brimming with endless possibilities and options. According to statistics, this industry will grow at 18% annually. The demand for packaging is growing in leaps and bounds, courtesy the changing lifestyles, the increase in income, and media penetration. The two most important factors that help in successful packaging include consistency and efficiency. Thus finding the right machines becomes the basic necessity. Automatic and semi-automatic Sleeve wrapper machines are affordable solutions for organizations and businesses that will help them in their packaging requirements. When there is a need of delivering, protecting, or holding the products jointly and keeping them intact, both sleeve and stretch wrapping methods come into use.

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A Guide of Identifying the Benefits of Fully Automatic Sleeve Wrapper

automatic sleeve wrapper machineAre you looking for the wrapping something? Then you need to use the fully automatic sleeve wrapper in order to pack several thousands of commodities per day. Toy starts with the I bar sealers or manual impulse sealers, the company often offers newer types of wrappers. Costing only a little hundred dollars, these wrappers are very productive machines which can be used by the owners. The project consultants recommend the setting up of this type of machine, as the production and business grows. Over the impulse sealers and I bar sealers, this machine offers several benefits. Let’s look at the production and cost levels and multiple other advantages of the machine. Continue reading

Know Something About the Automatic Sleeve Wrapper

automatic sleeve wrapper

Distinguished from other types of shrink wrapping machine, Automatic Sleeve Wrapper is a type of machine in which two ends of packaging has two trimmings of the package have an opening. This is often called ‘Bulls Eye’. For bundling a wide range of variety of products, sleeve wrapper is an excellent solution and is often called bundler. Continue reading