Peeping into the basics of poultry & cattle feed plant

Poultry & Cattle Feed Plant in Kolkata, Cattle Feed Meal Plant in kolkata


West Bengal is mainly an agriculture based economy. Agriculture forms an important part of the economy. Alongside animal rearing too is an integral part of the economy. According to report published by National Dairy Development Board, West Bengal is one of the largest economy in the country, contributing to about 6.75 per cent of country’s GDP in 2013-14. Agriculture and allied sector contributed  to 21.7 per cent to the GDP of the state. Poultry and cattle rearing often form a supplementary source of income to agriculturists, mainly for women. A vital part of livestock rearing is good feed and timely vaccination. While nowadays every village is equipped with good village-level veterinary services, new trend is emerging of providing good, scientific feed to poultry and cattle. There are now many new ventures coming up of Poultry & Cattle Feed Plant in Kolkata. Poultry and cattle feed plant is proving to be a good and profitable venture. It is important to know the points one must keep in mind to set up a good  Cattle Feed Meal Plant  in Kolkata.


Here are some pointers :

1)  Selection of Plot for setting up :  The first and foremost point that one must keep in mind is the selection of plot for setting up the plant. It is important that the area is well connected by road, so that transportation of feed to various distribution point is easier. Also, it is important to ensure that the setting up of the plant would not affect the natural environment of the place nor lead to pollution of the area.

2) Opting for the perfect machinery or mill :  One of the key aspects of a Poultry & Cattle Feed Plant is to have highly skilled machinery or mill to produce the feed. Under this there are certain questions that one must look into to zero in on the perfect mill :

* Fully automated or not

* The rate of production of feed every day

* Worth the cost of the machinery or not

* Credibility of the company providing the machinery

* Maintenance and support services offered by the company providing the machinery.

3) Manpower and Skill :  t is important to do a detailed planning on the number and type of manpower required. If needed, there has to be training and skill development programmer for the manpower for smooth functioning of the plant.

4) Development of good sales liaison with poultry and cattle farms :  A healthy return on investment depends much on sales figures and for that it is important to have steady clientele for the feed. And for that it is important to have a good sales and support team to constantly build and maintain connections with customers. Customer satisfaction is an important aspect in keeping the sales figures high.

5) Evaluation of the financial plan :  A time to time evaluation of the financial plan of the plant is necessary to understand the positive and negative aspects of the business and hence adjust the model of functioning accordingly. Every business has its own ups and downs and it is important to build work-plan accordingly and for that it is important to have this timely evaluation.

If all this aspects are kept in mind, setting a poultry and cattle feed plant can indeed be a profitable venture.