Mineral Water Plant Project – an Overview

If you want to drink healthy water, mineral water is your only option. As per the name, mineral water means the water that contains mineral compounds like sulphur compounds, salts etc. There are many mineral water plant projects that are producing water of good quality. Their packaging ensures that the water retains the quality for a long time.

Bottled Mineral

The demand of bottled mineral water has increased drastically since past few years. According to the report, the valuation of the increased sale has reached $75 in 2012
only in the USA. Globally, bottled water, mineral water, purified tap water are in highest demand, as per sales report. The global report also says that that at least 65 million bottled water has been consumed in only the USA. Globally, it is approximately 250 million.

minaral water plant

Benefits of Mineral Water

There are many benefits of consuming mineral water every day.

• The motto of mineral water plant projects is to make our immune system stronger and reduce the body stress. Magnesium is one of the essential mineral to serve the

purpose. Consuming mineral water means increase of magnesium in our body.
• Mineral water contains chloride that regulates and maintains acids in stomach and intestine and helps in digestion process.
• Sulphate and calcium, which is often found in best quality mineral water and helps to strengthen our bones.
• Iron, which plays quite important role in forming blood cells, is present in this water. So, it is good to drink this water for health.
• Apart from all these mineral compounds, this water is free from arsenic and other harmful chemicals that are often used to purify it after collecting from natural resources.

The Work Process of the Mineral Water Plant Project

There are a series of stages of the purification of water. They are:-

• Disinfection:- This stage is necessary to kill the bacteria in water.
• Aeration:- The stage to remove the iron and manganese from water.
• Sedimentation:- The stage to remove the solids.
• Filtration:- To remove the dust particles from water.
• Desalination:- The process to remove excess salt from water.