Swap your aerated soft drinks by drinking pure mineral water in a day!

Drinking water is like taking shower inside your body and is said to alleviate you from all the contagious diseases”.

This is the prime reason as why doctors advise you take 15 cups (3.7 litres) of water for an adult male and 2.7 litres (11 cups) for an average adult female.

If these numbers are quite daunting you can also compensate by drinking water enriched foods, so that you do not suffer from low pressure or dehydration.

Mineral water plant

                                    Mineral Water Plant

Therefore, it is necessary to pick over the right filtered water, which is canned, bottled and packaged straight from the mineral water plant.

Normally, fizzy and aerated drinks like coco cola, coke, sprite and thumps up have gas filled in it making you feel bloated as soon as you drink it.

Have you ever wondered what happens to your body after you take few sips of these fizzy drinks?

In the first 10 minutes – 10 spoons of sugar hit your system (which is actually 100 percent of your recommended intake). In spite of this, you will not be puking it, since it is sugary because phosphoric acid keeps the sweetness down.

In the next 20 minutes – Since you just had 10 spoons of sugar at once, your blood sugar spikes. After which the liver responds by converting into fat.

After 40 minutes – As soon as the caffeine absorption is complete, adenosine receptors in your brain are blocked now as liver has already dumped adequate amounts of sugar in your blood stream. Thus, you will not feel drowsy.

Mineral water plant

                           Mineral water plant

Next 45 minutes -Thus, dopamine, a neurotransmitter chemical in the pleasure centres of your brain gets stimulated and works in the same way as heroin works in your body.

Finally, after 60 minutes – The phosphoric acid now bins magnesium, zinc and calcium in your lower intestine thus boosting your metabolism rate and increases urinary excretion of calcium.

Last but not the least, caffeine will force you to evacuate all the essential nutrients (the bonded calcium, magnesium, zinc that should have headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water) making you irritable and sluggish.

Thus, you will eventually start to have sugar crush.

The bottom line is that, it is safe to consume aerated drinks, provided you have a healthy and balanced lifestyle by drinking adequate amount of water necessary for an individual.

This would help you to lead a safe and secured future.