How To Maintain A Semi-Automatic Sleeve Wrapper Machine?

semi-automatic sleeve wrapper

A sleeve wrapper machine, as distinguished from the other conventional shrink wrapping machine helps in packing several thousand commodities in a single day. This machine enables you to produce transit packs using a PE shrink film. With two ends of packaging having two trimmings, these machines are an easy solution for bundling a wide range of products together. The machines cost a few hundred dollars are best placed in every factory to generate a productive output. A semi-automatic sleeve wrapper machine is therefore crucial to the growth of the business.

Downtime is the bane for any manufacturing unit, it impacts more than just valuable time. When a sleeve wrapper machine goes out of function, you lose productivity and employee labour hours, delivery is delayed and the cost of making the machine to run increases. This is why you should create a perfect plan to go for regular preventive maintenance before and after using the machine. Here is how you can routinely take care of the sleeve wrapper machine-

Tips To Maintain A Semi-Automatic Sleeve Wrapper:

  • Clean after use:

After you use the sleeve wrapper machine, make sure that it has been unplugged from the socket. You should do this to avoid any kind of potential safety hazard. While cleaning the machine, remember, not employ any abrasive materials as it may damage the parts of the machine. You should also ensure to clean the heating element inside the machine and replace any other consumable part whenever necessary.

  • Check for dirt:

At the end of each day, you should wipe and clean the machine after use. This is because it is necessary that all the dirt and dust is wiped off, otherwise the machine can get clogged after it cools down. In the routine of the daily maintenance, you should also keep in mind to check the sealing bars as there can be dirt buildup after many days of packaging. As a result, the seal will not work effectively if not monitored on a daily basis. In case, the problem erupts on a regular basis, the machine is not functioning at an optimum temperature. As the machine cools down, you should clean the bar with a cloth to remove all the excess dust. Regular observation of the machine is detrimental to any production since it alerts you of the approaching problems.

  • Check the heat:

Heat is a major issue when it comes to storing the shrink films of the semi-automatic sleeve wrapper machine. If the temperature is too high, the films will stick to each other and lower its strength. This is why you should always monitor the temperature of the storage in order to keep this problem at bay. In order to keep the films from burning a hole in them, you should try to maintain an appropriate temperature in the shrink tunnels. 1

  •  Check the tension:

It is important to notice the tension existing in the parts of the machine. For example, the seals may cross and start to pull apart. You should always check the distance between the packaging- the closer the two items are, there are more chances of creating tension to the seal as every package moves slowly through the sealer bar. If you notice the sealers pulling apart, the packages might be too close which is the main cause of tension when the bar closes down. Therefore, it is essential that you adjust the spacing in between the products.

For the best quality sleeve wrapper machine, you can visit “Priti International“, a premium company who cater their turnkey project solutions to different industrial fields.