You often would have bought bottled water to quench your thirst while on a journey and called it mineral water. People quite easily use of words mineral water and packaged drinking water in synonymous sense. However, you would be taken aback to know there is a huge difference between the two. The Mineral Water Plant differs from that of Packaged Drinking Water and we are here describe you how.
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Category Archives: Mineral Water Plant
Swap your aerated soft drinks by drinking pure mineral water in a day!
“Drinking water is like taking shower inside your body and is said to alleviate you from all the contagious diseases”.
This is the prime reason as why doctors advise you take 15 cups (3.7 litres) of water for an adult male and 2.7 litres (11 cups) for an average adult female.
If these numbers are quite daunting you can also compensate by drinking water enriched foods, so that you do not suffer from low pressure or dehydration.
Therefore, it is necessary to pick over the right filtered water, which is canned, bottled and packaged straight from the mineral water plant.
Normally, fizzy and aerated drinks like coco cola, coke, sprite and thumps up have gas filled in it making you feel bloated as soon as you drink it.
Have you ever wondered what happens to your body after you take few sips of these fizzy drinks?
In the first 10 minutes – 10 spoons of sugar hit your system (which is actually 100 percent of your recommended intake). In spite of this, you will not be puking it, since it is sugary because phosphoric acid keeps the sweetness down.
In the next 20 minutes – Since you just had 10 spoons of sugar at once, your blood sugar spikes. After which the liver responds by converting into fat.
After 40 minutes – As soon as the caffeine absorption is complete, adenosine receptors in your brain are blocked now as liver has already dumped adequate amounts of sugar in your blood stream. Thus, you will not feel drowsy.
Next 45 minutes -Thus, dopamine, a neurotransmitter chemical in the pleasure centres of your brain gets stimulated and works in the same way as heroin works in your body.
Finally, after 60 minutes – The phosphoric acid now bins magnesium, zinc and calcium in your lower intestine thus boosting your metabolism rate and increases urinary excretion of calcium.
Last but not the least, caffeine will force you to evacuate all the essential nutrients (the bonded calcium, magnesium, zinc that should have headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water) making you irritable and sluggish.
Thus, you will eventually start to have sugar crush.
The bottom line is that, it is safe to consume aerated drinks, provided you have a healthy and balanced lifestyle by drinking adequate amount of water necessary for an individual.
This would help you to lead a safe and secured future.
Read About the Benefits of Drinking Mineral Water
The consumption of mineral water is rising day by day, and a few researches have exposed that mineral water is the healthiest type of bottled water available in the market. If you drink mineral water every day, it will improve your health generally. Mineral water contains indispensable minerals such as iron, calcium, silica, sulfates, and magnesium, and it is able to do so much good. As the requirement is increasing over the time, several mineral water plants in Kolkata are also growing their business to cope up with the demand.
Unlike tap water, mineral water will be free of additional chemical elements as well as preservative-free and very natural. Let us read about the benefits of mineral water.
-> Mineral water is a profound source of sulfates. It helps promote digestion.
-> Mineral water can help to cleanse the toxins of the body.
-> You can also rinse your face with mineral water for glowing skin.
-> Mineral water improves the health of our bones. As it contains calcium, mineral water can prevent bone related issues if consumed on a regular basis.
-> Mineral water helps you to lose weight. Each type of water including mineral water does not contain any calorie and fat. If you are planning to lose weight, consider mineral water over soda water and juices.
-> Mineral water contains magnesium and it plays a vital role in maintaining normal blood pressure level in a human body. Studies showed that people, mineral water decreases the blood pressure level over the time. People, who are suffering from hypertension, can consume mineral water on a regular basis.
-> Mineral water contains high quantities of silica, which can toughen the spongy cells of your skin and slow down wrinkle formation. Drinking mineral water everyday can help better your skin.
-> Mineral water has sufficient amounts of calcium and magnesium. It can help decrease the concentration of calcium oxalate that causes kidney stones. According to several studies, drinking mineral water can notably decrease the risk of uric acid kidney stones.
Know the Benefits that Mineral Water Offers
When you are thinking about resorting to a healthy diet that will not only keep you healthy but also will prevent obesity, choose mineral water. Inclusion of mineral water in your regular diet is always a good decision since it offers various benefits. In today’s market most of the food items come with preservatives and added calories. But it is mineral water that does not have these harmful properties.
The increasing number of mineral water plant is enough evidence to show that people are becoming aware of the good effects of mineral water. Why will you be left behind? Take a look of the blog to know more.
Prevent Obesity
Mineral water keeps you rehydrated. If you sip from a glass of soda water or juice you will consume a certain amount of calories too. But when you are drinking mineral water it does not add to the calorie value of your body. As a result you can keep yourself healthy and slim.
Improvement of Bone Health
Women after menopause suffer from poor bone health. Bone injury and osteoporosis become a way of life. But with the consumption of mineral water you get calcium that helps in making the bones stronger. Don’t ever ignore the thought of adding mineral water in your regular diet.
Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol
Blood pressure and LDL cholesterol are the main reasons behind the increase of heart diseases and heart attacks. If you include mineral water in your diet you will able to consume magnesium and potassium that will help you to decrease of blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. As a result, the risk of heart disease will be lesser.
Keep You Rehydrated
Mineral water can keep you rehydrated for quite a while and without causing any inconvenience.
Add mineral water in your diet and live a healthier life.