Monthly Archives: October 2014

Five mistakes you should not do while setting up mineral water plant

Mineral water is the healthiest type of bottled water. You can do good business by setting up a mineral water plant or a packaged drinking water plant.

Mineral water is the healthiest type of bottled water. Drinking it regularly enhances our overall well-being. Several mineral water plant projects have been undertaken in different parts of the country. You can do good business by setting up a mineral water plant or a packaged drinking water plant.

Mineral water plant

Mineral water plant

Let us discuss five mistakes you must avoid to have good business.

1. No proper market research- You should do proper market research. Go out in the area and do an extensive research about the rate at which people buy water there, from where do they buy and schemes offered to them by the supplier. In fact this is the best place for doing your market research.

2. Not finalizing the product mix – In some places mineral water bottles are more popular while in other places, water pouches have better sale. For example if you want to have your business within city limit, twenty litres jars are very much in demand. Hence better to go for that initially

3. Not properly deciding the Land, Building Size, Machinery- Select a proper supplier for your turnkey mineral water plant.

4. No proper plant outlet- The layout is an extremely important thing. By a proper plant layout, you can have an idea about the accommodation. You can also decide where the machines will be placed and how much space will be left and many more issues.

5. No proper plan – Maximum people do not plan their project properly. You should always keep in mind that planning is the ultimate key behind the success of your project.

Keeping these few points in mind will immensely help you in your business. Since safe drinking water is very much in important, being in this business is very much profitable.